香港耀能協會 SAHK
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香港耀能協會(協會)創辦於1963年,以「耀承所授 卓越展能」為信念,為不同年齡及類別的殘疾人士,提供多元化的教育及康復服務,幫助他們展現潛能,增強自信和提升獨立能力,裝備自己融入社會。協會現有4個核心服務,分別是「兒童及家庭支援服務」、「特殊教育」、「成人服務」及「社區支援服務」,為服務使用者提供涵蓋教育、住宿、家居照顧、治療訓練、職業復康及就業﹑照顧者支援等全方位服務。現時協會轄下共有84個服務單位及專項計劃,每年為約29,000個家庭提供常規服務。 Founded in 1963, to uphold our belief in "Succeed and Advance”, SAHK (the Association) dedicatedly provides a wide range of education and rehabilitation services for persons with different type of disabilities at all ages in order to realise their full potential, enhance their independency, and assist them to integrate into the society. The Association's four core services, namely “Children and Family Support Service”, “Special Education”, “Adult Service” and “Community Support Service”, render all-round support to our service users in the areas of education, residential and home care, therapeutic training, vocational training and employment , and carers support . At present, under the auspice of the Association, a total of 84 service units and Specialised Programmes provide services to around 29,000 families per annum. 查詢 地址: 香港北角百福道21號17樓 電話: 2527 8978 傳真: 2866 3727 網址: 電郵: Enquiry Address:17/F, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong Telephone:2527 8978 Fax:2866 3727