香港耀能協會 SAHK
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關於我們 About us

願景、使命、實踐 我們的願景 成為世界級的康復機構 我們的使命 為香港因中樞神經系統創傷而致身體殘障的人士,以全人意念去維持及發展他們的教育和福利 發展殘疾人士之潛能,盡量增加其獨立及自信能力,協助他們融入社會 我們的實踐 愛心與關懷 尊重別人 優質服務 引導式教育 跨專業團隊協作 成本效益 Vision, Mission and Belief Our Vision To be a world class rehabilitation service organization Our Mission To assist persons in Hong Kong who are physically and mentally challenged due to neurological impairment. To initiate, develop and maintain services for their education and welfare using a holistic approach. To enable persons with disabilities to realise their full potential, maximize their independence and self-reliance, and become participating members of the society. Our Belief Caring hearts Respect for individuals Quality Services Conductive Education Trans-disciplinary team work Cost-effectiveness